Friday, January 16, 2009

Two areas for concern for 09 will be sensitive information going into virtualized environments, and into the cloud.

According to this article in WSJ, The Center for Strategic and International Studies report points out the trend towards greater industrial espionage: Quote from WSJ article "Supposedly confidential corporate information, the report warns, is almost certainly being hacked. As more individuals and companies rely on "cloud computing" -- storing information and services such as email remotely on supposedly secure servers -- foreign intelligence agencies and commercial snoops may have access." This is a troubling statement.

According to CIO magazine, CIO's are looking towards virtualization and the cloud for 09 to reduce operating and capital expenses. If these are the areas of investment, this is also where the criminals will spend their resources to wrestle valuable information from the rightful owners.

Internet News is running an article on this subject today

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