Tuesday, June 23, 2009

According to Principal AnalystForrester Research Chenxi Wang, Ph.D. Enterprises lack data leakage protection solutions for Web 2.0 applications. The answer is to deploy DLP and DRM technologies in the enterprise.
I have started a twitter, o_O, you can find me by searching for Opedal, and I am building a face book, you can find me by searching for Olav Opedal
A new feature in Windows Server 2008 R2, is really interesting. It allows for tagging meta data to files stored in file shares, and allows for search, retention management, classification and protection. Information about File Classification Infrastructure in Server 2008: http://blogs.technet.com/filecab/archive/tags/File+Classification+Infrastructure+_2800_FCI_2900_/default.aspx
TechReady will be held July 27-31st, 2009, Seattle, Washington, and it will include a talk about DLP and RMS integration