Friday, January 16, 2009

Using models from nature to identify sensitive information

One interesting hypothesis would be to evaluate sensitive information with a predator-prey model by realizing that information within an organization is bound by its physical and social networks, in other words there is a topology that can be mapped, and using differential equations, the contours can be described, so the topology of interest is mapped with a modified trophic web for the dispersal of information of value. The challenge of course will be to create a nonlinear system with the right set of variables. The question is what is the driving factor for these variables, and what would be an anomaly versus a genuine change point?

Time is of course the great equalizer. A patent expires, so does copy right, however the length of time it takes for the value of a copy right item to decay is much longer than a patent. Same goes for financial information. A 10Q or 10K’s value drastically is reduced upon publication which happens quarterly or annually, respectively.

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